A well-rounded social life is an important part of every college experience. A key to success in college is meeting new people and interacting with others. Beta offers a positive social atmosphere that allows character development and lets members establish a wide network of relationships.
The diversity of our social calendar allows our members a variety of opportunities. Popular Beta events include dinner exchanges with sororities, formals, froshes, game-day barbecues, migration game road trips and mixers. We also host numerous themed socials, many of which have achieved campus-wide popularity.
Brotherhood events
Brotherhood events are all-house social functions aimed at strengthening reltionships within our franternity. Recent brotherhood events have included laser tag, football and ultimate frisbee games, as well as community service events. Brotherhood events are typically held once or twice a semester.
The men of Beta Theta Pi recognize the problems that can be associated with an active social life. To eliminate these problems, the brothers of the Alpha Tau chapter have instituted the Betas Against Drunk Driving program to guarantee every brother a safe ride home.
At Beta, we feel that taking responsibility for the wellbeing of our brothers is necessary to uphold the principles our fraternity was founded upon. To this end, we also strive to educate our members about the responsible use of alcohol and other safety issues.